
pizza base ready and waiting!

pizza base ready and waiting!


Sitting on a Saturday night eating pizza, drinking a glass of wine and hanging out with friends is a pretty fun way to spend a Saturday night, of course if you have trashy TV on in the background too, that adds additional entertainment. However, it can get pretty expensive, especially if there’s four or five of you munching on pizza that you’ve got delivered and you all want different types…it soon adds up!

This is a really simple and quick cost busting recipe. It doesn’t take any more than an hour, you can make the pizza whatever size you want and put whatever toppings you want on them. Oh, and they’re really yummy and healthy!



Basic bread recipe (
250g Tomato sauce
1 Onion
2 cloves Garlic
Mixed herbs
Veggie meat
Mixed veggies

time to decorate

time to decorate


  1. When the bread has risen, take out an amount (about the size of a small orange) and roll in to a ball. Flatten down like a pancake. Place in a hot frying pan with no oil. When it’s in the pan, flatten it down some more, you can you the back of two spoons so you don’t burn yourself. If you don’t flatten it down in the pan, it rises too high to be a ‘traditional’ pizza.
  2. Fry the base of the pizza for around 3 minutes on either side
  3. When it’s done, place under a grill until one side is lightly browned
  4. When it is lightly brown, take it out the oven and put the brown side down on a board.
  5. Toppings time!
  6. To make the pizza sauce base, put the tomato sauce, a chopped up onion (small) and few cloves of chopped up garlic (also small) and mix together in a bowl.
  7. Add some mixed herbs, it’s up to you how many herbs you want, I tend to add a couple of teaspoons but depends on personal taste
  8. Put the pizza base sauce on the pizza base (just in case you wondered where to put it). Not loads of sauce, but so it’s covered.
  9. Then put your topping on of whatever you want, veggie meat, mixed veggies, cheese, whatever you want J
  10. Bake in the oven until the cheese is melted.
  11. Then it’s time to eat the most healthy and cheap pizza ever!


Estimated number of 6in pizza: 10

Estimated complete cost: P100

Estimate price per pizza:  P10

Estimate length of time: 1 hour

Serving suggestion:  Homemade chips (aka French fries), bakes beans, coleslaw, some form of alcohol and some trashy movie or TV.

Tip: When you’re making the base, you can add some herbs and onion and garlic to the actual dough for added flavour!

Simple Bread


bread ready to be left to rise

bread ready to be left to rise


Bread is so quick and easy to make yourself. This dough is so simple to make, the kids I work with can make it themselves. It is also much cheaper to make it than to buy it and is healthier getting rid of all the preservatives and sugar that is in shop bought bread. Amazingly this bread also doesn’t really need kneading and it still comes out great.


2 teaspoons yeast
2 cups of warmish water
5ish cups of flour
1 teaspoon salt



ready for the can shape it anyway you like...bread rolls, loaf of bread, shapes :)

ready for the oven…you can shape it anyway you like…bread rolls, loaf of bread, shapes 🙂



  1. Put the yeast in the water and leave for 5 minutes
  2. Sieve 4 cups of flour in to a bowl add the salt
  3. Add the water and yeast
  4. Mix the flour and water together
  5. Add more flour if needed. If it’s slightly sticky, you’ll get fluffier bread (which is yummy). If you add more flour, the bread will be heavier but still good. A good rule of thumb (strange expression I know) is that if you can pick up the bread and it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the bowl, it’s good to go.
  6. Once you think the breads mixed up enough, cover it with a towel and put in a warm place until doubled in size
  7. When the bread has risen, kneed it a bit more (punch it around a bit) and shape in to bread buns.
  8. Cook on 200oC for 15 minutes or until you can knock the bottom of the bread and it sounds hollow.
  9. When it’s cooked, store in an airtight container.
finished and ready to be eaten!

finished and ready to be eaten!

Estimated number of bread buns: 25

Estimated complete cost: P48

Estimate price per bun:  P2

Estimate length of time: 1 hour

Serving suggestion:  Eat hot with butter and jam or cheese, or both together is pretty good too. Unless of course you have crunchy cookie butter…even better!

Tip: You can also add onion and garlic or other flavourings to the bread. After the bread rises, add your extra stuff and then allow to rise for another 30 minutes before baking!

so yummy!

so yummy!